Elon GOAT Token’s cryptocurrency founders made a sculpture in Musk’s honor.
The bitcoin business owners spent more than $600,000 to build a 30-foot-long, 12,000-pound metal sculpture of Elon Musk riding a goat on a rocket, but they were unable to elicit the billionaire’s response as they had planned.
The statue was made by self-described Musk supporter Ashley Sansalone and a group of enthusiasts, including Alec Wolvert and Richie Latimer, to promote their digital asset, Elon GOAT Token, in the hopes that a nod from Musk would increase its value.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the metal sculptor Kevin Stone from British Columbia, Canada, took over six months to complete the head. To expedite development, the remaining components were created in Phoenix, Arizona.
The Wall Street Journal reports that the developers of “Elon GOAT” assert that the name of their cryptocurrency was motivated by their adoration for Musk, whom they and other supporters consider to be a “GOAT,” or the “best of all time.”
In the hopes that Musk would accept the present, they delivered it to the Tesla offices.
The story also stated that unless Musk accepted the sculpture, Elon GOAT co-founder and chief marketing officer Alec Wolvert planned to camp out on the public property of a toll road overlooking the offices.
“We’re going to stay here for as long as we can. Wolvert was cited as saying, “I even heard some people say they were going to strap themselves to it.
The sculpture’s concept came together last year. In response, Ashley Sansalone, a co-founder of Elon GOAT, said, “It was an evening joke that kind of just came to fruition.”
Elon tweeting about us would validate the token, he continued.